PhilPaper Feed

11 September, 2009

Snow Leopard Footsteps

Finally got my Snow Leopard. It took a while though. And I learned something. Don't rely upon the USPS if you want something to be delivered on time.

Amazon sent SL with a promised delivery of Tuesday after the release date. I was fine with that because I was saving me driving 2 miles to the Apple Store. Amazon actually sent it via Fedex. Fedex sent it the last 2 miles via USPS. Don't ask why, according to Amazon that happens a lot with Fedex. But that should not be a problem as long as Fedex gives USPS time to deliver the package.

Which they did. By Monday at 5:30 AM my copy of SL was at my local post office. When I say local, I mean local. Only 2 miles away. Walking distance even for a postal worker and they had all of Monday and half of Tuesday to get it delivered. No problem, right?

Well, Tuesday came and went. Wednesday came and went. By Thursday I was sending emails to Amazon asking what was going on. They got back to me very quickly and said. Looks like it is in your neck of the woods. Um, yes. Been there since Monday. Tell me something I don't know. It should arrive soon. If it doesn't show up over the next 10 days, contact us and we'll take care of it.

Not exactly what I wanted to hear. So, I said 'Ah Fiddle Sticks!' and headed down to my local Apple Store, plunked down the cash and went home. Of course, by Friday SL did show up. Of course by then I didn't care so immediately sent it back.

Sorry Amazon! Blame it on USPS. They must be using carrier rats again.

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